Linear Solvers

Krylov Solvers and Algebraic Multigrid with hypre

Demonstrate utility of multigrid

At a Glance

Why multigrid over a Krylov
solver for large problems?
Understand multigrid concept. Faster convergence,
better scalability.
Why use more aggressive
coarsening for AMG?
Understand need for low complexities. Lower memory use, faster times,
but more iterations.
Why a structured solver
for a structured problem?
Understand importance of
suitable data structures
Higher efficiency,
faster solve times.

To begin this lesson…

Make sure that you have followed the setup instructions, then move to the directory containing the hypre executables:

cd track-5-numerical/krylov_amg_hypre

The Problem Being Solved

We consider the Poisson equation \[-\Delta u = f\]

on a cuboid of size \(n_x \times n_y \times n_z\) with Dirichlet boundary conditions \(u = 0\).

It is discretized using central finite differences, leading to a symmetric positive matrix.

The Example Source Code

For the first part of the hands-on lessons we will use the executable ij. Various solver, problem and parameter options can be invoked by adding them to the command line. A complete set of options will be printed by typing

mpirun -np 1 ij -help

Here is an excerpt of the output of this command with all the options relevant for the hands-on lessons.

Usage: ij [<options>]

Choice of Problem:
  -laplacian [<options>] : build 7pt 3D laplacian problem (default)
  -difconv [<opts>]      : build convection-diffusion problem
    -n <nx> <ny> <nz>    : problem size per process
    -gn <gnx> <gny> <gnz>: global problem size
    -P <Px> <Py> <Pz>    : process topology
    -a <ax>              : convection coefficient
  -rotate [<opts>]       : build 2D problem with rotated anisotropy
    -eps <eps>           : anisotropy for rotated problem
    -alpha <alpha>       : angle by which anisotropy is rotated

Choice of solver:
   -amg                  : AMG only
   -amgpcg               : AMG-PCG
   -pcg                  : diagonally scaled PCG
   -amggmres             : AMG-GMRES with restart k (default k=10)
   -gmres                : diagonally scaled GMRES(k) (default k=10)
   -amgbicgstab          : AMG-BiCGSTAB
   -bicgstab             : diagonally scaled BiCGSTAB
   -k  <val>             : dimension Krylov space for GMRES


  -tol  <val>            : set solver convergence tolerance = val
  -max_iter  <val>       : set max iterations 
  -agg_nl  <val>         : set number of aggressive coarsening levels (default:0)
  -iout <val>            : set output flag
       0=no output    1=matrix stats
       2=cycle stats  3=matrix & cycle stats

  -print                 : print out the system

Running the Example

First Set of Runs (Krylov Solvers)

Run the first example for a small problem of size 27000 using restarted GMRES with a Krylov space of size 10.

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 30 30 30 -gmres

Expected Behavior/Output

You should get something that looks like this

Running with these driver parameters:
  solver ID    = 4

    (nx, ny, nz) = (30, 30, 30)
    (Px, Py, Pz) = (1, 1, 1)
    (cx, cy, cz) = (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)

    Problem size = (30, 30, 30)

Generate Matrix:
Spatial Operator:
  wall clock time = 0.001146 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 0.001146 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

  RHS vector has unit components
  Initial guess is 0
IJ Vector Setup:
RHS and Initial Guess:
  wall clock time = 0.000250 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 0.000250 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

Solver: DS-GMRES
HYPRE_GMRESGetPrecond got good precond
Setup phase times:
GMRES Setup:
  wall clock time = 0.000025 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 0.000025 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

Solve phase times:
GMRES Solve:
  wall clock time = 0.189000 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 0.190432 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

GMRES Iterations = 392
Final GMRES Relative Residual Norm = 9.915663e-09
Total time = 0.189026

Note the total time and the number of iterations. Now increase the Krylov subspace by changing input to -k to 40, and finally 75.

Number of iterations and times generally improve except for the last run, which is somewhat slower because the last iterations are more expensive. Iterations: 392, 116, 73. Times: 0.19, 0.12, 0.13.

None, since the number of iterations is 73. Here full GMRES was used.

Now solve this problem using -pcg and -bicgstab.

Conjugate gradient takes 74 iterations and 0.02 seconds, BiCGSTAB 51 iterations and 0.03 seconds. Conjugate gradient has the lowest time, but BiCGSTAB has the lowest number of iterations.

It requires two matrix vector operations and additional vector operations per iteration, and thus each iteration takes longer than an iteration of PCG.

We now consider the diffusion-convection equation \[-\Delta u + a \nabla \cdot u = f\]

on a cuboid with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

The diffusion part is discretized using central finite differences, and upwind finite differences are used for the advection term. For \(a = 0\) we just get the Poisson equation, but when \(a > 0\) we get a nonsymmetric linear system.

Now let us apply Krylov solvers to the convection-diffusion equation with \(a=10\), starting with conjugate gradient.

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -pcg

PCG fails, because the linear system is nonsymmetric.

Now try GMRES(20) and BiCGSTAB.

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -gmres -k 20
mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -bicgstab

BiCGSTAB and GMRES both solve the problem. BiCGSTAB is faster than GMRES(20) for this problem.

Now let us scale up the Poisson problem starting with a cube of size \(50 \times 50 \times 50\) on one process:

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -pcg -P 1 1 1

Now we increase the problem size to a cube of size \(100 \times 100 \times 100\) by increasing the number of processes to 8 using the process topology -P 2 2 2.

mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -pcg -P 2 2 2

the number of iterations increases from 124 to 249, the time from 0.19 seconds to 1.89 seconds.

Second Set of Runs (Algebraic Multigrid)

Now perform the previous weak scaling study using algebraic multigrid starting with

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -amg -P 1 1 1

followed by

mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -amg -P 2 2 2

AMG solves the problem using significantly less iterations, and time increases somewhat slower. Number of iterations: 12, 23. Total time: 0.37, 1.48 seconds.

Now repeat the scaling study using AMG as a preconditioner for CG:

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -amgpcg -P 1 1 1
mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -amgpcg -P 2 2 2

Using PCG preconditioned with AMG further decreases the number of iterations and solve times. Number of iterations: 8, 11. Total time: 0.34, 1.05 seconds.

Now let us take a look at the complexities of the last run by printing some setup statistics:

mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -amgpcg -P 2 2 2 -iout 1

You should now see the following statistics:

HYPRE_ParCSRPCGGetPrecond got good precond

 Num MPI tasks = 8

 Num OpenMP threads = 1


 Max levels = 25
 Num levels = 8

 Strength Threshold = 0.250000
 Interpolation Truncation Factor = 0.000000
 Maximum Row Sum Threshold for Dependency Weakening = 1.000000

 Coarsening Type = HMIS
 measures are determined locally

 No global partition option chosen.

 Interpolation = extended+i interpolation

Operator Matrix Information:

            nonzero         entries per row        row sums
lev   rows  entries  sparse  min  max   avg       min         max
 0 1000000  6940000  0.000     4    7   6.9   0.000e+00   3.000e+00
 1  499594  8430438  0.000     7   42  16.9  -2.581e-15   4.000e+00
 2  113588  5267884  0.000    18   83  46.4  -9.556e-15   5.515e+00
 3   14088  1099948  0.006    16  126  78.1  -2.339e-14   8.187e+00
 4    2585   235511  0.035    11  183  91.1  -9.932e-14   1.622e+01
 5     366    25888  0.193    11  181  70.7   2.032e-01   4.293e+01
 6      44     1228  0.634    14   44  27.9   9.754e+00   1.501e+02
 7       9       77  0.951     7    9   8.6   1.198e+01   3.267e+02

Interpolation Matrix Information:
                 entries/row    min     max         row sums
lev  rows cols    min max     weight   weight     min       max
 0 1000000 x 499594   1   4   1.429e-01 4.545e-01 5.000e-01 1.000e+00
 1 499594 x 113588   1   4   1.330e-02 5.971e-01 2.164e-01 1.000e+00
 2 113588 x 14088   1   4  -1.414e-02 5.907e-01 5.709e-02 1.000e+00
 3 14088 x 2585    1   4  -4.890e-01 6.377e-01 2.236e-02 1.000e+00
 4  2585 x 366     1   4  -1.185e+01 5.049e+00 8.739e-03 1.000e+00
 5   366 x 44      1   4  -2.597e+00 3.480e+00 6.453e-03 1.000e+00
 6    44 x 9       1   4  -2.160e-01 8.605e-01 -6.059e-02 1.000e+00

     Complexity:    grid = 1.630274
                operator = 3.170169
                memory = 3.837342


  Maximum number of cycles:         1
  Stopping Tolerance:               0.000000e+00
  Cycle type (1 = V, 2 = W, etc.):  1

  Relaxation Parameters:
   Visiting Grid:                     down   up  coarse
            Number of sweeps:            1    1     1
   Type 0=Jac, 3=hGS, 6=hSGS, 9=GE:     13   14     9
   Point types, partial sweeps (1=C, -1=F):
                  Pre-CG relaxation (down):   0
                   Post-CG relaxation (up):   0
                             Coarsest grid:   0

This output contains some statistics for the AMG preconditioner. It shows the number of levels, the average number of nonzeros in total and per row for each matrix \(A_i\) as well as each interpolation operator \(P_i\). It also shows the operator complexity, which is defined as the sum of the number of nonzeroes of all operators \(A_i\) divided by the number of nonzeroes of the original matrix \(A\): \(\frac{\sum_i^L {nnz(A_i)}}{nnz(A)}\). It also gives the memory complexity, which is defined by \(\frac{\sum_i^L {nnz(A_i + P_i)}}{nnz(A)}\).

It increases significantly through level 4 and decreases after that. It is much larger than the original level.

It is caused by the Galerkin product, i.e. the product of the three matrices R, A, and P.

No, we would prefer a number that is closer to 1.

Now, let us see what happens if we coarsen more aggressively on the finest level:

mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -amgpcg -P 2 2 2 -iout 1 -agg_nl 1

We now receive the following output for average number of nonzeroes and complexities:

Operator Matrix Information:

            nonzero         entries per row        row sums
lev   rows  entries  sparse  min  max   avg       min         max
 0 1000000  6940000  0.000     4    7   6.9   0.000e+00   3.000e+00
 1   79110  1427282  0.000     6   33  18.0  -1.779e-14   8.805e+00
 2   16777   817577  0.003    12   91  48.7  -2.059e-14   1.589e+01
 3    2235   153557  0.031    19  132  68.7   6.580e-14   3.505e+01
 4     309    18445  0.193    17  160  59.7   1.255e+00   8.454e+01
 5      50     1530  0.612    13   50  30.6   1.521e+01   3.237e+02
 6       5       25  1.000     5    5   5.0   6.338e+01   3.572e+02

Interpolation Matrix Information:
                 entries/row    min     max         row sums
lev  rows cols    min max     weight   weight     min       max
 0 1000000 x 79110   1   9   2.646e-02 9.722e-01 2.778e-01 1.000e+00
 1 79110 x 16777   1   4   7.709e-03 1.000e+00 2.709e-01 1.000e+00
 2 16777 x 2235    1   4   2.289e-03 7.928e-01 5.909e-02 1.000e+00
 3  2235 x 309     1   4  -6.673e-02 5.759e-01 4.594e-02 1.000e+00
 4   309 x 50      1   4  -6.269e-01 3.959e-01 2.948e-02 1.000e+00
 5    50 x 5       1   4  -1.443e-01 1.083e-01 -4.496e-02 1.000e+00

     Complexity:    grid = 1.098486
                operator = 1.348475
                memory = 1.700654

As you can see, the number of levels, the number of nonzeroes per rows and the complexities have decreased.

The number of iterations increases (17 vs. 11), but total time is less (0.70 vs 0.97)

Now let us use aggressive coarsening in the first two levels.

mpirun -np 8 ij -n 50 50 50 -amgpcg -P 2 2 2 -iout 1 -agg_nl 2

Complexities decrease further to 1.22, but the number of iterations is increasing to 26 and total time increases as well. Choosing to aggressively coarsen on the second level does not lead to further time savings, but gives further memory savings. If achieving the shortest time is the objective, coarsen aggressively on the second level is not adviced.

So far, we achieved the best overall time to solve a Poisson problem on a cube of size \(100 \times 100 \times\) using conjugate gradient preconditioned with AMG with one level of aggressive coarsening.

How would a structured solver perform on this problem? We now use the driver for the structured interface, which will also give various input options by typing

mpirun -np 1 struct -help

To run the structured solver PFMG for this problem type

mpirun -np 8 struct -n 50 50 50 -P 2 2 2 -pfmg

The number of iterations 35, but the total time is less (0.39)

Now run it as a preconditioner for conjugate gradient.

mpirun -np 8 struct -n 50 50 50 -pfmgpcg -P 2 2 2

The number of iterations 14, but the total time is less (0.21)

To get even better total time, now run the non-Galerkin version.

mpirun -np 8 struct -n 50 50 50 -pfmgpcg -P 2 2 2 -rap 1

The number of iterations remains 14, but the total time is less (0.17)

Third Set of Runs (Comparing GPU to CPU performance)

We will now compare the performance of GPU to CPU. Since there are 16 cores available on the CPU, we will use 16 MPI tasks for the CPU runs. In contrast, there is only 1 GPU, so there will be no communication using MPI.

Let us first run a small Poisson problem on a 20 x 20 x 20 grid using CG preconditioned with AMG and PFMG using optimal settings to get best total times.

mpirun -np 16 ij -amgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 20 20 20
mpirun -np 1 ij_gpu -amgpcg -gn 20 20 20
mpirun -np 16 struct -pfmgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 20 20 20
mpirun -np 1 struct_gpu -pfmgpcg -gn 20 20 20

The CPU runs are faster than the GPU runs for AMG-PCG and PFMG-PCG. There is not sufficient work for the GPU to offset the startup cost. PFMG-PCG is faster than AMG-PCG.

Now let us consider a larger problem of size 100 x 100 x 100.

mpirun -np 16 ij -amgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 100 100 100
mpirun -np 1 ij_gpu -amgpcg -gn 100 100 100
mpirun -np 16 struct -pfmgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 100 100 100
mpirun -np 1 struct_gpu -pfmgpcg -gn 100 100 100

Now the GPU runs are faster than the CPU runs. We observe a speedup of about 4 for AMG-PCG and about 8 for PFMG-PCG. PFMG-PCG is significantly faster than AMG-PCG.

We can find the cross-over point, at which CPU and GPU times are approximately the same, at 45 x 45 x 45.

mpirun -np 16 ij -amgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 45 45 45
mpirun -np 1 ij_gpu -amgpcg -gn 45 45 45
mpirun -np 16 struct -pfmgpcg -P 4 2 2 -gn 45 45 45
mpirun -np 1 struct_gpu -pfmgpcg -gn 45 45 45

Let us now consider a diffusion problem with a 27-point stencil to see the effect of a system with a somewhat denser matrix on the performance.

mpirun -np 16 ij -amgpcg -P 4 2 2 -27pt -gn 100 100 100
mpirun -np 1 ij_gpu -amgpcg -27pt -gn 100 100 100

We now observe a speedup of about 11, which is much higher than the speedup 4 we got for the Laplace problem with a 7-point stencil.

Where is the cross-over point for this problem? Hint: Try -gn 25 25 25. Note that it is much lower than for the Laplace problem.

Additional Exercises

We will now consider a two-dimensional problem with a rotated anisotropy on a rectangular domain. Let us begin with a grid-aligned anisotropy.

mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 0 -pcg -iout 3
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 0 -gmres -k 50 -iout 3
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 0 -bicgstab -iout 3
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 0 -amg -iout 3
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 0 -pfmg

The residual norms for all solvers improve, but only AMG and PFMG converge within less than 1000 iterations.

Now let us rotate the anisotropy by 45 degrees.

mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -amg
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -amgpcg
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -amggmres
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -pfmg
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -pfmgpcg
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 45 -pfmggmres

The order from slowest to fastest is: PFMG, PFMG-GMRES, PFMG-CG, AMG, AMG-GMRES, AMG-CG. PFMG does not work well for non-grid-aligned anisotropies, but convergence improves when PFMG is combined with a Krylov solver. AMG can handle non-grid-aligned anisotropies well.

Now let us rotate the anisotropy by 30 degrees.

mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -amg
mpirun -np 1 ij -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -amgpcg
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -pfmg
mpirun -np 1 struct -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -pfmgpcg

The order from slowest to fastest is: PFMG, AMG, AMG-CG, PFMG-CG. While AMG is signifcantly better than PFMG, this problem is harder for it than the previous problem. PFMG-CG is faster here than AMG-CG.

Let us now scale up the problem for AMG-CG and PFMG-CG.

mpirun -np 2 ij -P 2 1 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -amgpcg
mpirun -np 4 ij -P 2 2 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -amgpcg
mpirun -np 8 ij -P 4 2 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -amgpcg
mpirun -np 2 struct -P 2 1 1 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -pfmgpcg
mpirun -np 4 struct -P 2 2 1 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -pfmgpcg
mpirun -np 8 struct -P 4 2 1 -rotate -n 300 300 -eps 0.01 -alpha 30 -pfmgpcg

Both solvers scale well, with PFMG-CG taking more iterations, but overall less time than AMG-CG.

We now consider the diffusion-convection equation \[-\Delta u + a \nabla \cdot u = f\]

on a cuboid with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

The diffusion part is discretized using central finite differences, and upwind finite differences are used for the advection term. For \(a = 0\) we just get the Poisson equation, but when \(a > 0\) we get a nonsymmetric linear system.

Now let us apply Krylov solvers to the convection-diffusion equation with \(a=10\), starting with conjugate gradient.

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -pcg

PCG fails, because the linear system is nonsymmetric.

Now try GMRES(20), BiCGSTAB, and AMG with and without aggressive coarsening.

mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -gmres -k 20
mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -bicgstab
mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -amg
mpirun -np 1 ij -n 50 50 50 -difconv -a 10 -amg -agg_nl 1

BiCGSTAB, GMRES and AMG with or without aggressive coarsening solve the problem. The order slowest to fastest for this problem is: GMRES(20), AMG, BiCGSTAB, AMG with aggressive coarsening.

Let us solve the problem using structured multigrid solvers.

mpirun -np 1 struct -n 50 50 50 -a 10 -pfmg
mpirun -np 1 struct -n 50 50 50 -a 10 -pfmg -rap 1
mpirun -np 1 struct -n 50 50 50 -a 10 -pfmggmres
mpirun -np 1 struct -n 50 50 50 -a 10 -pfmggmres -rap 1

The non-Galerkin version of PFMG as alone solver fails. The order from largest to least number of iterations is: Non-Galerkin PFMG-GMRES, PFMG, PFMG-GMRES. But PFMG alone solves the problem faster.


We experimented with several Krylov solvers, GMRES, conjugate gradient and BiCGSTAB, and observed the effect of increasing the size of the Krylov space for restarted GMRES. We investigated why multigrid methods are preferable over generic solvers like conjugate gradient for large suitable PDE problems. Additional improvements can be achieved when using them as preconditioners for Krylov solvers like conjugate gradient. For unstructured multigrid solvers, it is important to keep complexities low, since large complexities lead to slow solve times and require much memory. For structured problems, solvers that take advantage of the structure of the problem are more efficient than unstructured solvers.

Further Reading

To learn more about algebraic multigrid, see Paper 46: An Introduction to Algebraic Multigrid.

More information on hypre , including documentation and further publications, can be found here

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